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Office Space Planning Tips | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


How To Choose the Right Furniture For Your Office

Modern Office Furniture

The office needs to be a place of comfort and productivity. Unfortunately, the furniture options that are often chosen don’t always contribute to efficiency and effectiveness. For many business owners, a desk is just a place to work, but for employees, a desk is a significant part of their daily routine and can contribute to Read More

Active Office Design

what is workplace strategy

Active Office Design Ideas Have you been hearing a lot of buzz about active office design? Maybe you’re wondering what it is exactly, or if it’s something you should invest in as a business owner. Do you need to have a more active office? The short answer is: YES! What Is Active Office Design? Active office Read More

The Right Fit: Angled Corner Worksurfaces vs. Straight Worksurfaces

where to put your computer in your office cubicle workspace

The Right Fit: Angled Corner Worksurfaces vs. Straight Worksurfaces Sometimes it seems like there are unlimited choices when it comes to choosing desking for your office. Style, finishes, ergonomics, and space limitations all play a role in the decision. But first, you have to decide if you are looking for a straight worksurface or an Read More

Office Design: Collaboration or Privacy?

Office Design: Collaboration or Privacy? Along with the changes that have occurred in recent years in work styles and office spaces, traditional fixed models cannot be used anymore. For this reason, in today’s business world, one of the biggest challenges for office space designers is to create a balance between private space and collaborative space. Read More

How To Maximize Office Space With Space Planning

A great way to maximize your office space and give it an updated look is through office space planning.  Not only does it help accommodate a large number of employees under one roof, but it also helps to increase your office’s team efficiency by sharing information and resources. This planning involves the careful and purposeful Read More

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