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Locus Workstation by Focal Upright

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright

Locus Workstation by Focal Upright

Your desk is killing you! Sound dramatic? It is. “Sitting disease” is considered an epidemic in our country. Between commuting, sitting all day at work and then sitting at home, there are some very tangible, adverse effects on a person’s health. Mounting evidence suggests that those who spend hours with little movement are at higher risk for developing blood clots, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other maladies fueled by insufficient physical activity. So, what can you do to prevent it? It’s actually pretty simple. If you make a conscious effort to make small movements throughout the day – it will lead to better health.

Enter the Locus workstation from Focal Upright where you never actually sit. Instead, you stay in a posture halfway between sitting and standing. It’s really a “lean”, more than anything. It was designed to move with you, encourage active engagement, and allow your creative juices to flow. The seat post pivots at the base, so your core and legs are engaged to stabilize your body. And the desk height adjusts via a crank so that your arms and upper body are in the perfect position. Everything is adjustable with this versatile workstation, so it fits medium size people like me, and tall people like my husband.

Locus Desk 5

Focal’s Locus Workstation is revolutionary in that it challenges traditional ergonomic wisdom and actually works with your body.

  • Encourages Healthy Postures: Focal products better support healthy postural transitions (body movement) as compared with sitting or standing.
  • De-stresses the Spine: Focal products cause less intervertebral disc compression as compared with sitting or standing.
  • Reduces Standing Desk Fatigue: Focal products puts less stress on the body, so you are able to work upright comfortably all day long.
  • Engages Your Core: Focal products inspire constant micro movements, keeping your core muscles engaged.

As a Focal Upright dealer, ROSI Office Systems provides the tools for healthier work spaces. If you are in the Houston area, stop by our showroom to try out a Focal Upright Locus Workstation. You can also email or call us at (713) 636-5248 for more details.

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Are you looking for a cost estimate for a new office build out or are you just trying to get a price to add a few new workstations to your existing space, our new office furniture budget calculator can help!

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