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Office Lifestyle | ROSI Office Systems, Inc


Cubicle vs Open Office: Which is Best?

Open Office vs. Cubicles - ROSI

Choosing between a cubicle-based or an open office layout is a crucial decision for businesses aiming to optimize their workspace. Whether you seek enhanced collaboration or value privacy, understanding the different pros and cons of each option is essential in shaping an environment that aligns with your company’s needs, culture, and values. Understanding the Basics: Defining Cubicles and Open Office Read More

Top Modern Office Trends

The concept of traditional office space – at least as we once knew it – has been radically redefined. Gone are the days when office design was a one-size-fits-all concept; we’re now in an era where personalized, adaptive spaces are the norm. ROSI Office Systems is proud to be at the forefront of this exciting revolution, helping businesses transform their Read More

Tips for Furnishing Your Office Space

A well-planned and furnished office space is essential for the success of any business. It affects employee productivity, well-being, and your company’s overall image. At ROSI, we understand the importance of a functional, appealing workspace – and how effective office design can contribute to the success of your organization.  This comprehensive guide explores practical tips for planning and furnishing your Read More

Are Standing Desks Still Popular?

Standing Office Desks from ROSI Office Systems

Why are Standing Desks Popular? The odds are good that you are familiar with standing desks; in fact, you probably know at least a few people who say making the switch was a big part of improving their overall work environment. And if you’re anything like most people who are thinking about using a standing desk, you might wonder whether Read More

Choosing the Right Office Desk

organized home office desk

Creating the right workspace increases your productivity. The best home office desk will provide a comfortable ergonomic setup and easy access to the tools and supplies you need to do your job. ROSI Office Systems has been helping Houston businesses and remote workers create their ideal office setups since 1993. How to Choose the Right Work Desk   The centerpiece Read More

Office Moveable Walls Have Flexibility While Saving Money

Change has become a central aspect of the modern workplace as tech companies establish means to evolve and cope with future technology challenges and changing consumer needs. Unfortunately, this is significant but not enough as the world continues to develop post-coronavirus working strategies.  If you want to build a business that withstands waves of change and the Covid-19 pandemic, you Read More

Preparing Your Office for Post-Covid Reopening

ROSI Office Furniture Houston

Preparing Your Office for Post-Covid Reopening   The United States has started to recover from the coronavirus pandemic, and almost every company has resumed operations. Although some businesses have yet to resume full operations, employees have returned to work either remotely or in offices. But, we are not out of the woods yet — there is still a need to Read More

Office Furniture Solutions That Boost Productivity

office furniture solutions

Office Furniture Solutions That Boost Productivity In the modern office environment, there is a never-ending list of possible distractions: conversations between coworkers, aches and pains from sitting at a desk all day, fatigue and brain fog, and a cluttered office environment where paperwork seems to just disappear. As office experts, we see these issues all the time. Luckily, we rounded Read More

Benefits Of An Ergonomic Home Office Chair

ergonomic home office chair

Benefits Of An Ergonomic Home Office Chair Research shows that the average person sits in a chair for almost 6 hours a day. For a lot of us, it’s even more. While your workplace may offer ergonomic seating, many people have yet to upgrade their home office if working remotely. If you are someone who spends a lot of time Read More

Your Guide To Shared Office Space Furniture

Your Guide To Shared Office Space Furniture The trend towards shared office space at work is surging, with good reason! Research shows that collaborating with coworkers increases productivity and morale. As a result, office furniture manufacturers are making more stylish, functional choices for the shared office workplace. If you have an open office or want to transition to one, it Read More

Best Office Chairs To Improve Back Pain

Best Office Chairs To Improve Back Pain In today’s modern office, there are more options than ever for alternative work stations like treadmill desks, standing desks – even bicycle desks! But ultimately, most people will need to spend a large portion of the day sitting. It may even be how you work best, and some jobs are simply not suited Read More

The Advantages of Contemporary Office Furniture

The Advantages of Contemporary Office Furniture You have an established office, your company is successful, what more could you want? Believe it or not, you can take your business to the next level by making some changes to your office furniture in Houston. In fact, if you upgrade your office with contemporary pieces, you’ll see a host of positive benefits! Read More

Top 10 Benefits of Using Ergonomic Furniture

Top 10 Benefits of Using Ergonomic Furniture In case your workplace hasn’t yet adopted the use of ergonomic furniture, we are rounding up the top benefits to surely put them over the edge! Ergonomic furniture isn’t just about sitting comfortably at work. The benefits extend to almost every aspect of company health and success. #1 It’s more comfortable Perhaps this Read More

Active Office Design

what is workplace strategy

Active Office Design Ideas Have you been hearing a lot of buzz about active office design? Maybe you’re wondering what it is exactly, or if it’s something you should invest in as a business owner. Do you need to have a more active office? The short answer is: YES! What Is Active Office Design? Active office design is a fairly simple Read More

Looking For Great Employees? Office Furniture Matters

top talent needs great office furniture

Looking For Great Employees? Office Furniture Matters If you’re having trouble attracting talent, your office furniture could be contributing to your problem. Investing in quality, stylish furniture that represents your brand will go a long way towards recruiting top employees. First Impressions Research shows that when looking for jobs, people now prioritize employee experience. The impression they get from touring Read More

Take Care Of “You” At The Office

Office furniture

Take Care Of “You” At The Office   When we think of the various causes of disease and poor health, we often consider factors like bad diet, lack of sleep, or family history. When we hear the term “self-care”, it’s usually about relaxation methods, mental health care, or pursuing hobbies. For working Americans, there is a key component that is Read More

5 Ways To Keep Your Office Workstation Organized


5 Ways To Keep Your Office Workstation Organized Taking a look around any office, you’ll often find people in two camps – those with tidy desks and those with mounds of clutter. Does it really make a difference to keep a clean desk? As it turns out, there are many benefits to working in a more organized fashion. Could your Read More

Easy Office Yoga Poses

Easy Office Yoga Poses If you’ve been working for several hours non stop or stuck in meetings all day, you need some office yoga in your life! Take a quick break to move through these easy poses to feel re-energized. Side Bends Stretch out the sides of your torso with this rejuvenating, yet simple pose. Stand with feet shoulder width Read More

More Ways To Support Employee Wellness

More Ways To Support Employee Wellness Employee wellness is not a new idea, and it’s not likely going away anytime soon. The statistics on how sedentary people are at work are shocking, and companies are realizing that it’s in everyone’s best interest to encourage being active during the workday. Here are just some ways to inspire movement and health at Read More

Generation Z: What They Want In Office Design

Generation Z: What They Want In Office Design Just when we think we have things figured out, the universe throws another monkey wrench into the mix. Office design trends have shifted since the Millennial burst onto the workplace scene over 15 years ago. There’s a new kid on the block now called Generation Z. What changes will they bring to Read More

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